Cycling Benefits

Cycling is Good for You!

Cycling is good exercise and it's easy to fit into the daily routine. If more people took it up, it could help ward off the health crises facing the NHS (Source: Cycling UK).

Jump on a bike, and you'll improve your heart health, strengthen your muscles, sharpen your brain and get a mood boost too!

Cycling Benefits

7 Reasons to Start Cycling

  1. You will get fitter and healthier
  2. Getting outside on your bike will increase your vitamin D levels with benefits to your immune system, brain, bones and protection against numerous diseases and illnesses. You will get fitter riding an e-bike, too. It can offer a bit of extra assistance in those early mornings, and it could be the way forward if you live somewhere hilly.

  3. You'll look better
  4. Cycling will help you tone up and lose weight. If you want a perky bum, ride a bike! Cycling is a great low-impact, low-to-moderate intensity way to get more active and get in shape.

  5. It's better for the environment
  6. Getting out of the car and cycling contributes to cleaner, healthier air. By cycling, you are helping to reduce the harmful and deadly emissions, effectively saving lives and making the world a healthier place to live.

  7. Explore the world around you
  8. You see so much more on a bike than in a car or on public transport. By cycling you give yourself the opportunity to take a different route and get to know your local area better.

  9. Improve your mental health
  10. Exercise and being outdoors have both been proven to have a positive impact on your mood and help with mental clarity, depression and anxiety.

  11. Commute and exercise
  12. Many people say they don’t exercise due to lack of time. Cycling to work is an easy way to fit exercise into your day and no more traffic jams!

  13. You'll live longer
  14. A study looking at active commuting found that those that cycle to work have a massive 41% lower risk of dying from all causes. As little as 20 miles a week on a bike can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease by half (That’s just a two-mile trip each way if you work 5 days a week).

Think cycling might be for you? Call in and see us for a FREE eBike test ride from our range on display in our Holywell showroom, or book a slot here.

With 0% on ALL bikes, you can ride away today and spread the cost here.

We are always happy to discuss your requirements and to offer our expert advice and a free measuring service. Just telephone 01352 715716 or call in at the shop any time during open times.