Riese and Muller 2024 eBikes

Riese and Muller e-bikes built to meet all requirements: daily commuting, everyday family life, sporty bike rides, long-distance cycle rides, and just for people who enjoy cycling. We also offer efficient and sustainable Business models for companies, local authorities or sharing concepts.

Model Range

Delite - from £5,209

Riese and Muller


Nevo4 - from £4,399

Riese and Muller


Charger4 - from £4,819

Riese and Muller


Supercharger - from £4,929

Riese and Muller


Load 60 (Cargo) - from £5,369

Riese and Muller


Packster 70 (Cargo) - from £5,979

Riese and Muller


Roadster - from £3,659

Riese and Muller


UBN 5 - from £4,259

Riese and Muller


Swing4 - from £3,789

Riese and Muller


Cruiser2 - from £4,019

Riese and Muller


Tinker2 - from £4,399

Riese and Muller


Birdy - from £2,579

Riese and Muller



Life on Wheels in Holywell are Reise and Muller ebike dealers

Want to know more? - Call into our showroom or for more detailed info online, visit: www.r-m.de

Riese & Muller ebike stockist Life on Wheels